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Action For Autism (AFA)

Action For Autism is a national level not-for-profit establishment that strives to access the rights of individuals with autism and their families. Started in 1991, AFA has made a significant impact both on services as well as information currently available on autism. AFA's founding philosophy is quite contrary to commonly held perceptions of disability. AFA does not view autism or disability as a tragic condition, but rather as a different way of being. As a result the AFA family of parents is enabled to look beyond their children and at Action for Autism the wider community; and its exceptional professionals imbibe the AFA philosophy of loving, accepting, and employing people without judgments.

AFA is involved in a wide range of services that employ people with autism and their families. These include advocacy, research, training, education, awareness, and resource provision. The Aadhar Vocational Centre at AFA is a production-oriented sheltered workplace where young adults with autism utilize their previous training for work, enhancing their independence, self-reliance, and confidence. The products made at Aadhar are sold through direct sale to consumers, institutions and exhibitions. The entire revenue generated from the sale of these products are ploughed back into purchasing raw materials for fresh production and paying a stipend to the young adults who work there. Aadhar- the first of its kind in India is an important step towards enabling individuals with autism lead a life of dignity that is meaningful and fulfilling.