Everyone needs a break from the labyrinth of urban development, to seamlessly sync the three elements of life. City based spas offer a space to bridge the gap that the daily bustle creates in our mind, body and soul. Drawing inspiration from the majestic land of ancient customs and rituals, city spas of India, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Nepal give you the opportunity to achieve a divine state of well being or just infuse energy into a fatigued body, without traversing long distances. The secret symphony of life gets tuned right in your backyard.
You don’t need to step too far to find solace and tranquility. These city spas ensure that you restore the equilibrium of the mind, body and soul, in turn help in making you feel energized. With these, rejuvenation does not have to be a function of taking out a few weeks of a hectic routine and make special time to rekindle energy. Therapies and treatments that help you tune into a long-term state of calmness are the highlights of these city spas. These spas are also great for visitors who are travelling and want to plug a spa experience along with sightseeing. This is the perfect antidote to travel weariness.