Expanding its network, AirAsia India has launched new flights to Kochi and Ahmedabad from Delhi effective December 20. The inaugural starting fares on these new routes between New Delhi-Kochi and New Delhi- Ahmedabad are priced attractively at Rs 3915 and Rs 2015 respectively. Flight no i5791 from New Delhi departs at 4:55 hours and lands in Kochi at 08:00 hours while flight i5792 fly back to New Delhi from Kochi at 08:50 hours and reaches the destination at 12:00 hours. Flight i5795 from New Delhi departs at 21:30 hours and reaches Ahmedabad at 23:05 hours. On its way back to New Delhi, flight i5769 departs at 23:35 hours and lands in New Delhi at 01:05 hours. The low-cost carrier now flies to 21 destinations pan-India with a fleet of 27 A320 aircraft. While launching flights to Kochi and Ahmedabad, the newly appointed Chief Commercial Officer of the airline, Ankur Garg said, “We continue to strengthen our network across India. I am confident that, with the robust expansion plans we have chalked out for 2020-2021, we will be able to offer our services on many more new routes.” AirAsia India flew 7.60 lakh passengers in November with a 5.9 per cent market share