Chandigarh has a new address of luxury. Hyatt Regency has opened its door to the public from April 2, 2016, and is the first Hyattbranded hotel to launch in the city. There are 211-rooms in the hotel and are available at an opening offer starting from Rs 5,999 avg/night. The standard rates start from Rs. 8,500 while Bed & Breakfast starting Rs 9,000. The 36,000 sq ft (3,345 sq mtr) of flexible meeting and event facilities, including an 8,711 sq ft (809 sq mtr) pillar-less ballroom, is one of the highlights for business and other travellers to the city. Kurt Straub, Vice President – Operations, India Hyatt Hotels said in his address at the opening, “Hyatt Regency Chandigarh has been thoughtfully designed to make guests feel welcome, comfortable and relaxed, so that they can socialize, connect and celebrate any occasion. I am confident that this contemporary new hotel will add to the appeal of Le Corbusier’s charming city and introduce Hyatt’s wellknown hospitality to guests and residents.” “We are delighted to bring this hotel to the heart of Chandigarh’s Tri-City,” added, Puneet Baijal, General Manager, Hyatt Regency Chandigarh. “Hyatt Regency Chandigarh is a modern hotel that embodies both the city’s design ethos and its residents’ desire for modern accommodations, excellent service and exciting places to eat and drink.”